Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Importance Of Offpage Optimization

So far, Cataweb Online S.L. has presented some pretty important points in improving your SEO through Onpage Optimization, which takes care of your the content and design of your site. But while these things do help your site improve their position in the rankings, compared to non-optimized sites, you'll have to do a lot more to get to the top, which should be the goal of everyone trying to learn SEO for the benefit of their website's performance.

But what can really launch your site hundreds of places upwards in the rankings is what you do through Offline Optimization, not what you do online. Properly planned and executed, your site can reach the top faster than you thought was possible. And as to what those Offline or Offpage Optimization elements are, here is a brief list of what to consider:

-Which websites link to yours.
-The number of those websites that link to yours.
-The Google Page Rank of those websites that are linking to yours. (Notice a trend here?)
-The page titles of the websites that are linking to yours.
-The anchor text being used by the site linking to yours.
-The number and type of links that are linking to the site that is linked to yours.
-The total number of sites that are linking to yours.
-Google's decision on whether the site that is linking to yours is an authority website.
-The IP addresses of the sites linking to yours.

All of those elements are important and necessary if you want to professionally and thoroughly optimize your site to reach its full potential and reach the top of the rankings for your chosen keywords. It's a very labor-intensive process, unless you're using specialized software that does the job in a jiff, so the details on what you need to do for this process will still be forthcoming from Cataweb Online S.L. sometime soon.

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